Better quality. Better data.

See how real time quality analysis can help improve your recruitment and data quality.

How do you find the right patients for your studies? How do you ensure the highest quality data with the greatest efficiency? How do you show sponsors your commitment?

As clinical trials become increasingly complex, research centers face new challenges. QRS is ready to bring experience, technology and insight to work for you in both recruitment and quality management.

We’ll create a comprehensive analysis of quality and market trends, in real time. We’ll help you achieve better recruitment, time after time, and deliver higher quality data for your sponsors.

Data Management & Classification

The advantages of a customized, automated program to track and reduce errors.

Collaboration & Benchmarking

Helping you demonstrate commitment to quality data for the sponsor.


increase in reviewed data

Our users have seen a 112% increase in reviewed data thanks to smarter audit processes with the QRS system


decrease in errors

QRS users have seen a 39% decrease in data errors

See how QRS can improve your data quality